Progressive rock virtuoso Steven Wilson, known for his work with Porcupine Tree, has unveiled his latest solo project "The Overview," set for release on March 14. The ambitious new album explores the psychological phenomenon known as the "overview effect" experienced by astronauts viewing Earth from space.
The 42-minute musical odyssey consists of two expansive tracks: "Objects Outlive Us" and the title track "The Overview." Wilson has assembled an accomplished team of collaborators, including drummer Craig Blundell, keyboardist Adam Holzman, and guitarist Randy McStine. XTC's Andy Partridge contributed lyrics to "Objects Outlive Us."
The album delves into contrasting perspectives of astronauts witnessing Earth from space - from profound appreciation of our planet's beauty to stark realizations about humanity's small place in the cosmos. "Some see the Earth truly for what it is, insignificant and lost in the vastness of space, and the human race as a troubled species," Wilson explains.
A full-length film directed by Miles Skarin will accompany the album, featuring animated sequences depicting space's vastness and humanity's place within it. The world premiere event, scheduled for February 25 at London's BFI IMAX, will showcase both the film and album, followed by an exclusive Q&A session.
The Overview will be available in multiple formats, including standard CD, blu-ray, and half-speed mastered vinyl. A deluxe art book edition will feature bonus material, including an orchestral version of "Objects Outlive Us" and additional audio mixes. The album's artwork, created by Hajo Muller and Carl Glover, reflects its space-centered themes through striking visuals and fold-out illustrations.