In an unexpected yet delightful collaboration, rock legends Alice Cooper and Rob Halford of Judas Priest have released a festive children's song titled "My Christmas List" under the Rock For Children initiative.
The upbeat holiday track features the two metal frontmen sharing their whimsical Christmas wishes with Santa Claus. The song's playful lyrics include requests for imaginative gifts like "a rocket balloon that can fly to the moon" and a "12-string can" for aspiring young musicians.
Cooper brings his theatrical flair to a spoken word segment, encouraging children to dream big with fantastical wishes. He describes magical possibilities like "a pet dragon that plays guitar" and "a tree that grows ice cream with vanilla sky flavor." The song concludes with a touching message about the true spirit of Christmas, emphasizing kindness and love above material gifts.
All proceeds from "My Christmas List" will support Alice Cooper's Solid Rock Teen Centers, a charitable organization providing teenagers with hands-on experience in various aspects of music production, including sound engineering, lighting, and video production.
The collaboration comes ahead of Judas Priest's upcoming European tour, where both legendary performers will share the stage at London's O2 Arena, among other venues.
This unexpected pairing of two rock icons on a children's Christmas song showcases their versatility as artists while supporting a worthy cause for young people interested in music.
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